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  时间:2022-10-17  来源:科特多瓦微水泥   点击:0


COTDOVA micro cement, global style, real aesthetics! COTDOVA, French A+certification, European and American CE certification, Spanish invention patents, three Chinese invention patents, standard brands of micro cement, ten major brands of micro cement, and ten brands recommended by designers, pioneered the patented process of vertical and horizontal double-layer mesh clamping crack resistance of ground micro cement, effectively solving the crack problem of ground micro cement, constantly improving the quality and technology in terms of wear resistance and pollution resistance of micro cement, and meeting the use needs of micro cement customers.




Micro cement, which provides a new idea for the decoration style, is the most perfect expression of the modern style, simple style, industrial style, luxury style and quiet style of the current international popular design style! It is a favorite decoration material of designers at present, and is also the best expression of the decoration owners' pursuit of minimalism and quiet style of life, interpreting the most authentic life aesthetics.



Micro cement,, is a new decorative material, not ordinary cement. It is a new type of surface decorative material introduced from Europe to China in recent years. Its main ingredients are cement, water-based resin, quartz sand, modified polymer and other inorganic materials. It has the characteristics of high strength, seamless, waterproof, pollution resistant, wear-resistant, etc. The application of micro cement is very extensive. The ground, wall, top surface, furniture and exterior wall can all be used to make the top wall form a continuous, flowing and integrated space vision. From villas, luxury houses, hotels, restaurants, exhibition halls, specialty stores, etc., there are traces of micro cement everywhere. It seems simple, but it changes endlessly. The texture changes from coarse to fine, and the color changes from cool to colorful.




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