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  时间:2022-08-27  来源:微水泥网   点击:0

2022年8月16日,T/CECS10192-2022《聚合物微水泥》团体标准正式发布。根据中国工程建设标准化协会《关于印发<2021年第一批协会标准制订、修订计划>的通知》(建标协字〔2021〕11号)的要求,经广州质量监督检测研究院等单位编制,协会建筑材料分会组织审查,现批准发布,编号为T/CECS 10192-2022,自2022年11月1日起施行。

On August 16, 2022, T/CECS10192-2022 polymer micro cement group standard was officially released. According to the requirements of the notice on printing and distributing the first batch of association standards formulation and revision plan in 2021 (jbxz [2021] No. 11) issued by China Association for engineering construction standardization, it has been prepared by Guangzhou Institute of quality supervision and testing and reviewed by the construction materials branch of the association. It is hereby approved to be issued with the number of T / CECS 10192-2022, which will come into effect on November 1, 2022.



Among them, COTDOVA micro cement under Shanghai Lichao New Material Technology Co., Ltd. became the main drafting unit


Cotdova micro cement is made of high-precision cement raw materials and water-based resins, modified polymers, quartz, mineral pigments and other inorganic materials. It has many characteristics such as high strength, thin thickness, seamless construction and strong waterproof. Cotdova micro cement, a new generation of surface decorative material, can be applied to the ground, internal and external walls, furniture, and can also achieve the effect of integrating the top surface, wall and ground, to meet the needs of individual decoration. It is also the current European and even international decorative design fashion, and is the perfect expression of modern style, light luxury style, industrial style and strange quiet style. It is widely used for the overall decoration of the ground, wall and top surfaces of family decoration, luxury residential buildings, office spaces, commercial squares, homestays, clubs, cafes, wedding studios, star rated hotels, exhibition halls, museums, high-end reception halls, Gaoding clothing stores, and high-end automobile exhibition halls.


With the increasing attention of micro cement market, it provides designers and decoration owners with new decoration materials and fashionable decoration style experience. Products and construction solutions for wall top ground integration. Cotdova brand, focusing on the technical innovation and construction innovation of micro cement products, makes unremitting efforts to provide the whole case landing service!



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